Hello my name is Randy Schauer and I've been teaching Physical Education at Lucy Laney Elementary since 2016. I'm a farm kid who enjoys cows, big German Shepherd dogs, cherry pie and Pepsi. Growing up in a large family with 6 boys and a sister we filled the day with farm work, piano lessons, school, worship, and sports. My goal for each student is to give each student SUCCESS. In Physical Education class that success varies from student to student. My goal is to have students practice and participate in physical activities so they build successes in their life through moving and play. This can improve their social interations, physical skills, and self esteem. I am looking forward to a great year in Physical Education class at LUCY LANEY ELEMENTARY.
Basic class format
Pre K -2. Basic stretches, simple strength exercises, races, movement exploration, manipulative activities w/objects, low level games and an introduction to fitness and nutrition information. I encourage having fun, being respectful, and moving in a safe manner.
Grades 3-5. Stretching and strength activities, races, lead up games, manipulative and movement activities that build a student's fitness, social interaction, self esteem and knowledge of activities, movements or sports. An introduction to fitness, nutrition and movement activities that promote self expression are encouraged.